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  Why Choose


Dental implants have become the fastest growing segment of dentistry.


Most patients, when given the option, prefer dental implant treatment over more traditional tooth replacement approaches, such as bridges or dentures.


As an experienced dental specialist, you know how effective modern dental implant treatment can be in providing quality, long-term solutions to patients with missing or failing teeth.

ClearChoice has developed a new approach to delivering dental implant treatment that is more attractive to both patients and practitioners.

We partner with leading prosthodontists and oral surgeons, to develop high-end treatment facilities that focus only on the delivery of quality dental implant treatment and care.



Since 2004 ClearChoice has grown from one flagship center in Denver, CO to more than 102 locations over 35 markets across the U.S. The dental specialists at ClearChoice perform more dental implant procedures than most of their colleagues in each market, and collectively more than any other group of practitioners in the U.S., and perhaps the world.



While you are already a specialist in oral
surgery or prosthodontics, ClearChoice
gives you the opportunity to focus on an area
of great interest to many prosthodontists
and oral surgeons, implant dentistry.

Most enjoy being more directly involved in

the total treatment of the patient, from
placement of the implants to the placement of the final teeth by the prosthodontist. And they love the stream of patients that they see and treat without having to depend on referrals.



Every person that walks through the door of a ClearChoice Dental Implant Center should feel at home. The modern facility, friendly and experienced staff, and highly trained team of specialists allow ClearChoice to deliver a level of quality and care second to none. And most patients receive their implants and beautiful new teeth in a single day. Working in a ClearChoice Center allows you to practice dentistry in a way that truly changes patients' lives every day. 



ClearChoice Dental Implant Centers are
among the largest providers of dental
implant procedures in each market served.
Collectively, ClearChoice Centers enjoy scale
economies that allow them to buy the best
equipment and materials at the lowest
prices. This results in higher quality of care
and lower costs. Also, because of this scale,
ClearChoice practitioners have extensive experience and data, based on actual clinical results from all ClearChoice Centers, allowing continuous improvement of implant treatment approaches and processes. This data is shared regularly, including at bi-annual ClearChoice National Conferences, resulting in better informed clinicians and better treatment for patients.



ClearChoice has marketing skills, experience, and resources that are unparalleled in dentistry. These marketing strengths allow us to reach, educate and motivate patients that need dental implants to seek treatment from ClearChoice. 


The advertising, business and administrative services provided by ClearChoice Management Services (CCMS) give ClearChoice network doctors a competitive edge. This allows them to focus on delivering excellent dentistry without worrying about the day to day marketing and administration of their practice. 



ClearChoice has attracted leading prosthodontists and oral surgeons from across the country. Practicing in a ClearChoice Dental Implant Center allows you to be part of a national group of specialists that are among the most experienced, the most published, and the most qualified in the field of implant dentistry. Several of these top specialists make up the ClearChoice Clinical Advisory Board (CAB). The board meets regularly to discuss network best practices as well as new and innovative technologies in the field of restoritive dentistry. Click here to learn more about the CAB



ClearChoice focuses on achieving shared success among all those involved in the ownership, operation, professional services, and management of each ClearChoice Dental Implant Center. We are adamant about the economic alignment and shared success of all the key parties involved. 


ClearChoice has achieved extraordinary

success in developing and growing in the U.S. dental implant treatment market and, with new capital partners, has the financial and business resources to continue to grow the nationwide network of ClearChoice Centers, and to constantly improve the business and marketing support services provided to all Centers. 



ClearChoice network clinicians enjoy excellent financial rewards and benefits.
Over the last few years ClearChoice Dental Implant Centers have continued to grow and flourish. The economies achieved through specialization and national scale have allowed ClearChoice Centers to deliver quality care, along with improved convenience and value to their patients,

resulting in attractive compensation and excellent 

benefits to the clinicians. 

ClearChoice Dental Implant Centers are locally owned and operated by licensed dentists, and are part of a professional affiliation of implant practices operated by oral surgeons, prosthodontists, and restorative dentists across the U.S. A majority of patients (and approximately 90% of Minnesota patients) qualify for same day implants and can have their procedure in one day after initial workup, without additional bone graft surgery, and may leave the office that same day with provisional prostheses and the final prostheses to be placed later. Results may vary in individual cases. Both general dentists and specialists in some states. Dental implants are not a recognized specialty. Dental specialists are specialists in oral maxillofacial surgery and prosthodontics. Limited services available at satellite offices. Dental implants can last a lifetime. Studies show that dental implants are likely to last at least 25 years with proper care and maintenance in most cases.

© 2020 by ClearChoice Management Service, LLC. 

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